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The BEST For Rent Lease listings near Jefferson County, Eureka and Wildwood, Missouri

The BEST For Rent Lease listings near Jefferson County, Eureka and Wildwood, Missouri

Apartments for Rent / Lease 

Apartment For Rent Arnold -  Apartment For Rent Arnold - 1-2 bdrm w/appl., a/c, small pet ok. $625 - $725 South County - 1-2 bdrm w/appl., a/c, small pet ok. $725 - $795 314-761-8700
Arnold 2bdrm, SENIOR APARTMENT, $900mo, no pets/smoking, 636-479-1141.

Duplex for Rent 

DESOTO, 3bd 2ba, laundry, parking, utilities/appl. incl. Quiet, No Hud/Pets, $1200mo 314-719-6391
FESTUS, 3bdrm, 2bth, total electric w/d hook-ups, $1,100mo, 314-800-3488.
SENIOR HOUSING, Pevely, 2bdrm, 1bth, w-s-t included, $850mo, 314-800-3488

Homes for Rent 

2BDRM & 3BDRM, possible HUD, De Soto, Grandview Schools 314-885-4271
ARNOLD, 3bdrm, 1bth, ranch-style, garage, $1,625/mo, no pets 636-464-4550

Rooms for Rent 

ARNOLD $150wk: furnished, utilities paid, shared bath, quiet 314-971-2487.
SHARED historic scenic home, 2-car garage, all utilities, $350mo 573-210-5271

Townhouse for Rent 

FESTUS, Menkhus Ave., 3bdrm, 2bth, total electric, $1,200mo, 314-800-3488.
IMPERIAL/FENTON, private 2-story, 2bdrm, 1.5bth, appliances, new flooring, wooded, no pets, $900mo+dep, background/credit check. 636-461-0952, 314-503-3824.