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The BEST Notices listings near Jefferson County, Eureka and Wildwood, Missouri

The BEST Notices listings near Jefferson County, Eureka and Wildwood, Missouri


ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The Community  ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The Community College District of Jefferson County is soliciting sealed bids for an internet service provider for the computer information systems datacenter. The bid package may be obtained by email request to All proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope or by email clearly marked ISP for The Computer Information Systems Datacenter RFP # 250017. The sealed envelopes are to be delivered to Michael Glisson, Director of Procurement and Auxiliary Services, Jefferson College, Business Office 1000 Viking Drive, Hillsboro, MO 63050. Emailed bids are to be sent to Sealed and emailed bids will be received at the Business Office on the Hillsboro campus until 2:00 p.m., September 17, 2024. It is the policy of Jefferson College that no person shall on the basis of age, ancestry, color, creed, disability, gender, national origin, race, religion, or veteran status, be subject to discrimination in employment or in admission to any educational program or activity of the College. Jefferson College reserves the right to reject any and all bids, in whole and in part, and to waive any informality. All inquiries pertaining to the project shall be directed to The Director of Purchasing and Auxiliary Services, Jefferson College, 1000 Viking Drive, Hillsboro, MO 63050, Telephone 636-481-3119, Email mglisson@
CITY OF DE SOTO NOTICE  CITY OF DE SOTO NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held at 6:30 P.M., September 23, 2024 at City Hall, 17 Boyd, at which time citizens may be heard on the property tax rates proposed to be set by the City of De Soto, a political subdivision. The tax rate shall be set to produce revenues, which are reflected in the budget for the fiscal year beginning November 1, 2024. Assessed Valuation (By Categories) Current Tax Year 2024 Prior Year Tax 2023 Real Estate $ 66,868,500 $ 65,543,500 Personal Property $ 18,081,430 $ 18,736,900 Railroad and Utility $ 4,714,543 $ 4,647,786 TOTAL Fund $ 89,664,473 $ 88,928,186 Property Tax Revenue Proposed *Proposed Tax Rate For 2024 (Per $100) General Fund $ 377,667 0.4212% Park Fund $ 96,389 0.1075% Library Fund $ 302,080 $ 776,136 TOTAL 0.3369% 0.8656% City of De Soto By: *Subject to State Auditor’s Certification City Manager
CITY OF DE SOTO NOTICE  CITY OF DE SOTO NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS The Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing September 23, 2024, at 5:30 P.M. A joint public hearing with the De Soto City Council and the Planning & Zoning Commission will be held at the regular City Council Meeting on October 21, 2024 @ 6:30 P.M. The purpose of the public hearing is to discuss a minor subdivision. The property is located at 1109 Clarke Street and will divide one (1) parcel into two (2) parcels. If you have any questions regarding the public hearings, please contact City Hall at 17 Boyd Street, De Soto, Missouri, or call (636) 586-3326. Crystal Barton, Deputy City Clerk
Crystal City #47 School District  Crystal City #47 School District Tax Rate Hearing Notice A hearing will be held at 5:45 p.m., September 24, 2024 at the Crystal City High School Hornet House, 1100 Mississippi Avenue, Crystal City, MO at which time citizens may be heard on the property tax rates proposed to be set by the Crystal City School District, a political subdivision. The tax rates are set to produce the revenues from the property tax required by the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024. Each tax rate is determined by dividing the amount of revenue needed by the current assessed valuation. The result is multiplied by 100 so the tax rate will be expressed in cents per $100 valuation. (*Estimates reflect the most accurate information at the time of posting. If necessary, changes can be made by the Board of Education at the Tax Rate Hearing.) Assessed Valuation (AV) (by categories)	 Real Estate	 Personal Property	 Combined Real Estate & Personal Property	 Less AV in Tax Increment Financing (TIF)	 Adjusted Assessed Valuation on Which Tax 	Revenue is Received	 New Construction & Improvements 	(Included in AV Total above)	 $	 $	 $	 $	 2024-25	 54,802,000	 16,696,905	 71,498,905	 0	 $	 71,498,905	 $	 70,680,664 $	 522,600	 $	 347,600 	 	 The following Tax	 rates are Proposed	 by Fund:	 		 Amount of Property	 Proposed	 Tax Revenues	 Property Tax	 Budgeted (assumes	 Rate (per	 100% collection)	 $100)	 Incidental	 $	 3,371,316,369	 $	 2023-24 $ 	 54,112,800 $	 16,567,864 $	 70,680,664 $	 0 Amount of Calculated	 Property Tax	 Property Tax Revenue From	 Rate (per Prior Year	 $100) 4.7152	 $	3,332,451,946	 $	 4.7148 Teacher	 $	 0			 Debt Service	 $	 0			 Capital Projects	 $	 0			 Total	$	 3,371,316,369	 $	 4.7152	 $	 0		 $	 0		 $	 0		 $	3,332,451,946	 $	 4.7148 Total New Revenue (operating funds only)				 $	3,886,442,229 New Revenue from New Construction and Improvements:		 $	3,072,617,643 New Revenue from Reassessment:				 $	8,138,245,856 Percentage of New Revenue from Reassessment:			 0.002442119%		 Board of Education Crystal City 47 Linda Schilly, President • Vickie Eisenbeis, Secretary
Crystal City #47 School District  Crystal City #47 School District Tax Rate Hearing Notice A hearing will be held at 5:45 p.m., September 24, 2024 at the Crystal City High School Hornet House, 1100 Mississippi Avenue, Crystal City, MO at which time citizens may be heard on the property tax rates proposed to be set by the Crystal City School District, a political subdivision. The tax rates are set to produce the revenues from the property tax required by the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024. Each tax rate is determined by dividing the amount of revenue needed by the current assessed valuation. The result is multiplied by 100 so the tax rate will be expressed in cents per $100 valuation. (*Estimates reflect the most accurate information at the time of posting. If necessary, changes can be made by the Board of Education at the Tax Rate Hearing.) Assessed Valuation (AV) (by categories)	 Real Estate	 Personal Property	 Combined Real Estate & Personal Property	 Less AV in Tax Increment Financing (TIF)	 Adjusted Assessed Valuation on Which Tax 	Revenue is Received	 New Construction & Improvements 	(Included in AV Total above)	 $	 $	 $	 $	 2024-25	 54,802,000	 16,696,905	 71,498,905	 0	 2023-24 $ 	 54,112,800 $	 16,567,864 $	 70,680,664 $	 0 $	 71,498,905	 $	 70,680,664 $	 522,600	 $	 347,600 	 	 The following Tax	 rates are Proposed	 by Fund:	 		 Amount of Property	 Proposed	 Tax Revenues	 Property Tax	 Budgeted (assumes	 Rate (per	 100% collection)	 $100)	 Incidental	 $	 3,371,316.37	 $	 4.7152	 $	3,332,451.95	$	4.7148 Teacher	 $	 0			 Debt Service	 $	 0			 Capital Projects	 $	 0			 Total	$	 3,371,316.37	 $	 4.7152	 Amount of Calculated	 Property Tax	 Property Tax Revenue From	 Rate (per Prior Year	 $100) $	 0		 $	 0		 $	 0		 $	3,332,451.95	$	4.7148 Total New Revenue (operating funds only)				 $	 38,864.42 New Revenue from New Construction and Improvements:		 $	 30,726.18 New Revenue from Reassessment:				 $	 8,138.25 Percentage of New Revenue from Reassessment:			 0.002442119%		 Board of Education Crystal City 47 Linda Schilly, President • Vickie Eisenbeis, Secretary
Due to default in payment,  Due to default in payment, Hawk Nest Storage, the listed locker contents will be sold at Hawk Nest Storage’s discretion if full payment is not received prior to release date, Hillsboro, MO 63050. Release date: Sat., Sept. 28, 2024 Unit 22 - J. Dillion Units 5 & P - D. Jones
Grandview R-II School District Tax  Grandview R-II School District Tax Rate Hearing Notice A hearing will be held at 6:50 p.m., September 19, 2024 at the Fassen Building, 11470 Hwy. C, Hillsboro, MO at which time citizens may be heard on the property tax rates proposed to be set by the Grandview R-II School District, a political subdivision. The tax rates are set to produce the revenues from the property tax required by the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024. Each tax rate is determined by dividing the amount of revenue needed by the current assessed valuation. The result is multiplied by 100 so the tax rate will be expressed in cents per $100 valuation. (*Estimates reflect the most accurate information at the time of posting. If necessary, changes can be made by the Board of Education at the Tax Rate Hearing.) Assessed Valuation (AV) (by categories)	 Real Estate	 Personal Property	 Combined Real Estate & Personal Property	 Less AV in Tax Increment Financing (TIF)	 Adjusted Assessed Valuation on Which Tax Revenue is Received	 New Construction & Improvements (Included in AV Total above)	 	 	 	 	 	 The following Tax Rates are Proposed by Fund:	 Incidental	 Teacher	 Debt Service	 Capital Projects	 Total	 $	 $	 $	 $	 $	 $	 2024-25	 56,108,477	 17,846,917	 73,955,394	 0	 73,955,394	 717,977	 $	 $	 $	 $	 $	 $	 Amount of 		 Property		 Tax Revenues	 Proposed	 Budgeted	Property	 (assumes 100%	 Tax Rate	 collection)	 (per $100)	 $	2,447,480	 $	3.3094	 $	 0			 $	1,011,932	 $	1.3683	 $	 0			 $	3,459,412	 $	4.6777	 Total New Revenue (operating funds only):	 $	 ($13,046) New Revenue from New Construction and Improvements:	 $	 23,761 New Revenue from Reassessment:	 $	 ($36,807) Percentage of New Revenue from Reassessment:		 -1.50% 2023-24 54,948,100 19,401,508 74,349,608 0 74,349,608 409,000 Amount of Calculated Property Tax Revenue	 Property From Prior	 Tax Rate Year	 (per $100) $	2,460,526	 $	3.3094 $	 0		 $	1,017,326	 $	1.3683 $	 0		 $	3,477,852	 $	4.6777 Board of Education Grandview R-II School District Brian Dugan, President Jason Van Houten, Secretary
In accordance with Sec. 106  In accordance with Sec. 106 of the Programmatic Agreement, AT&T plans a CELL SITE RF MODIFICATIONS at 101 First Street Crystal City, Jefferson County, Missouri. Please direct comments to Gavin L. at 818-391-0449 regarding the site MO2056 TWIN CITIES. 8/15, 8/22/24 CNS-3835093#
Jefferson R-VII School District Tax  Jefferson R-VII School District Tax Rate Hearing Notice A hearing will be held at 6:30 p.m., September 18, 2024 at the Jefferson RVII Performing Arts Center, Festus, MO at which time citizens may be heard on the property tax rates proposed to be set by the Jefferson R-VII School District, a political subdivision. The tax rates are set to produce the revenues from the property tax required by the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024. Each tax rate is determined by dividing the amount of revenue needed by the current assessed valuation. The result is multiplied by 100 so the tax rate will be expressed in cents per $100 valuation. (*Estimates reflect the most accurate information at the time of posting. If necessary, changes can be made by the Board of Education at the Tax Rate Hearing.) Assessed Valuation (AV) (by categories)	 Real Estate	 Personal Property	 Combined Real Estate & Personal Property	 Less AV in Tax Increment Financing (TIF)	 Adjusted Assessed Valuation on Which Tax 	Revenue is Received	 New Construction & Improvements 	(Included in AV Total above)	 	 	 The following Tax	 rates are Proposed	 by Fund:	 Incidental	 Teacher	 Debt Service	 Capital Projects	 Total	 2024-25	 $	167,351,052	 $	72,820,515	 $	 240,171,567	 $	 0	 2023-24 $	160,600,488 $	69,023,312 $	 229,623,800 $	 0 $	 240,171,567	 $	 229,623,800 $	 `$	 5,328,145	 		 Amount of Property	 Proposed	 Tax Revenues	 Property Tax	 Budgeted (assumes	 Rate (per	 100% collection)*	 $100)	 2,162,881 Amount of Calculated	 Property Tax	 Property Tax Revenue From	 Rate (per Prior Year	 $100) $	 8,951,915	 $	3.7273	 $	8,553,487	 $	 3.7250 $	 0			 $	 0	 $	 1,946,350	 $	0.8104	 $	1,866,153	 $	 0.8127 $	 141,701	 $	 0.0590	 $	 135,478	 $	0.0590 $	 11,039,966	 $	 4.5967	 $	 10,555,117	 $	4.5967 Total New Revenue (operating funds only)	:			 $	 New Revenue from New Construction and Improvements:		 $	 New Revenue from Reassessment:				 $	 Percentage of New Revenue from Reassessment:			 Board of Education Jefferson R-VII James Jackson, President Kelli Weiss-Rapp, Secretary 404,651 345,513 59,138 0.68%
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING (RSMo.  NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING (RSMo. 67.110) Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held at 5:00p.m. Thursday, September 12, 2024, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, Jefferson College, Hillsboro, Missouri, at which time citizens may be heard on the property tax rates proposed to be set to produce the amount of revenue required from property taxes as shown in the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024. The tax rates are expressed in cents per $100 assessed valuation. The following information is provided pursuant to RSMo.67.110. ASSESSED VALUATION Actual 2023	 	 Actual 2024 Real Estate	 $	3,219,371,301	 $	3,235,694,136 Personal Property		1,022,578,231		1,003,121,758 $	4,241,949,532	 	 PROPOSED TAX RATE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024 Tax Rate	 Amount of Property Tax per $100	 Revenue Actual	 Actual	 Projected Budget		 FY 2024	 FY 2025	 FY 2024	 FY 2025 	 	 	 	 General & Plant	 Capital Projects	 	 $	4,238,815,894 Total 26.12¢	 5.00¢	 $	10,584,949.23	 $	10,555,392.05 26.14¢	 5.00¢		 2,120,974.77		 2,119,407.95 31.12¢	 31.14¢	 $	12,705,924.00	 $	12,674,800.00 Board of Trustees The Community College District of Jefferson County, Missouri By: Lisa Vinyard, Secretary
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A  NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, at Joachim-Plattin Ambulance District House 6, 1235 N. Truman Blvd. Crystal City, MO at which time citizens may be heard on the property tax rates proposed to be set by Joachim-Plattin Ambulance District, a political subdivision of the State of Missouri. The tax rates shall be set to produce the revenue required to operate the District during the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2025. Each tax rate is determined by dividing the amount of revenue required by the current assessed valuation. The result is multiplied by 100 so the tax will be expressed in cents per $100 assessed valuation. PREVIOUS YEAR ASSESSED CATEGORIES CURRENT TAX YEAR REAL ESTATE PERSONAL PROPERTY R/R & UTILITY (real) R/R & UTILITY (personal) Non-Operating R/R State R/R (real) State R/R (personal) TIF 	 $	778,010,700 	 $	246,728,098 	 $	 24,650,057 	 $	19,657,378 	 $	 109,174 	 $	62,930,368 	 $	12,097,371 	$	 (69,000) 	 $	759,907,600 	 $	247,741,651 	 $	 19,781,461 	 $	16,832,820 	 $	 109,174 	 $	65,292,542 	 $	12,456,931 	$	 (69,000) TOTAL 	 	 $	1,144,114,146 FUND			 AMOUNT BUDGETED 	 $	 1,447,304		 Tax Levy (per $100)	 $	 0.1265*		 *Final tax rate to be approved at Hearing Board of Directors of Joachim-Plattin Ambulance District 	 By: Tracy Howell, Chief $	1,122,053,179 $	 $	 1,381,247 0.1231
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A  NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held virtually through Zoom at 7:30 a.m. on September 18, 2024. To virtually attend the public hearing please use the following link: FIva5Lae52Ghne2HDRwI.1 Meeting ID: 81494341875 Passcode: 608466 During the public hearing, citizens may be heard on the property tax rate proposed to be set by Jefferson County Community Mental Health Fund Board, a political subdivision. The tax rate shall be set to produce substantially the same revenue as set forth in the annual budget for the calendar year beginning January 1, 2025. Each tax rate is determined by dividing the amount of revenue required by the current assessed valuation, subject to statutory limits. Assessed Valuation Real Estate Personal Property TOTAL *Current Tax Year $	3,390,305,164 $	1,027,859,161 $	4,418,164,325 Prior Tax Year $	3,321,882,898 $1,047,065,355 $	4,368,948,253 Amount of Property Tax Revenues Estimated for 2024 $	3,786,366.83 **Proposed Tax Rates for 2024 $ 0.0857 Per $100 Board of Directors, Jefferson County Community Mental Health Fund Board Mary Dunnegan, Chairperson *Subject to change on final estimate from the County Clerk’s Office and TIF abatements. **Subject to final determination of tax rate ceiling.
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY  NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF FESTUS, MISSOURI There will be a public hearing before the City of Festus, Missouri at Festus City Hall, 711 West Main St. on Monday, September 9, 2024 at 5:50 p.m. at which time citizens may be heard on the proposed tax rates to be set by the City of Festus, Missouri for the 2024 tax year. The following information is provided pursuant to RSMo 67.110. Assessed Valuation 	 Tax Year 2024	 Tax Year 2023 Category	 Certified 8/15/24	 Certified 8/10/23 Real Estate	 Personal Property	 Railroad Utility	 $	 194,512,300	 $	 50,374,330	 $	6,976,709	 Total Assessed Valuation	 $	 251,863,339	 	 Amount of Property	 Proposed Tax	 Fund		 Tax Revenue		 Rates per $100 $	 188,140,300 $	 52,804,300 $	7,095,696 $	 248,040,296 Amount of Property Tax Revenue Budgeted General	 General - Firefighters	 Health	 Library	 Parks	 $	 347,571		 $	 478,037		 $	 187,638		 $	 258,412		 $	 258,412		 $	0.1380			 $	 0.1898			 $	0.0745		 $	0.1026			 $	0.1026		 $ $ $ $ $ 327,199 450,016 176,640 243,265 243,265 TOTAL	 $	1,530,070		 $	0.6075		 $ 1,440,385 Proposed tax rate may be the same rate as established in the prior year 2023 and may be subject to change upon receipt of final assessed valuation from the County Clerk. By Order of the Council Leah Smith, City Clerk Festus, Missouri
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING JEFFERSON  NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING JEFFERSON COUNTY, MISSOURI - TRAFFIC CODE CHANGES In accordance with §304.130 RSMo, and to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare, and to protect the life and property of those using the roads in Jefferson County, Missouri, the Jefferson County, Missouri, County Council will hold three public hearings regarding amendments to the existing traffic code and Code of Ordinances for Jefferson County, Missouri, controlling vehicular traffic upon the public roads and highways in the unincorporated territory of Jefferson County, Missouri. The times and dates for said public hearings are as follows: 	 Monday, September 23, 2024	 6:30 p.m. 	 Tuesday, October 15, 2024		 6:30 p.m. 	 Monday, October 28, 2024		 6:30 p.m. Citizens of Jefferson County are urged to attend these public hearings, held in the Assembly Room in the Jefferson County Administration Center, 729 Maple Street, Hillsboro, Missouri, and will be asked to submit comments or input, in writing to the County Council. The proposed changes to the Jefferson County Traffic Code may be viewed on the Jefferson County, Missouri website: If you are unable to attend the public hearing but would like to submit comments or input, they must be received no later than October 21, 2024 by 5:00 PM via email to or US mail, to: County Council of Jefferson County, Missouri, Attention: Cherylynn Boyer - Traffic Code Comments, P.O. Box 100, Hillsboro, MO 63050
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The  NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Board of Directors of the Saline Valley Fire Protection District of Jefferson County, Missouri, will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on Thursday, September 26, 2024, at the hour of 6:00 p.m., at 1771 Springdale Blvd., Fenton, MO 63026 on the proposed rates of levy of the District for 2024. The totals of assessed valuations for Jefferson County, Missouri, are provided to the District at the date of this publication, by category. The figures provided are intended to advise the District of the valuations within the District upon which the District shall predicate its levy rates; the total assessed valuations of said County may be changed by said County Assessor and/or the Missouri Auditor after this publication; the total assessed valuation or categories of taxable property within the District as now known for the 2024, are as follows: The tax rates shall be calculated to produce substantially the same revenues as required in the annual budget adopted as provided in this chapter. The final tax levies set by the District shall be established in accordance with the provision of section 137.073 and 137.115 RSMO Article X Section 22 of the Missouri Constitution and said documentation shall be made in accordance with the District’s tax rate calculation which will be available at the public hearing 	 Prior Tax	 Current Tax Categories	 Year 2023	 Year 2024 Real Estate - Residential:	 $	 243,969,500.00	 $	 249,779,300.00 Real Estate - Agricultural/Horticultural	 $	 329,600.00	 $	 311,500.00 Real Estate - Commercial/Industrial	 $	 30,237,100.00	 $	 31,012,900.00 Personal Property	 $	 86,128,338.00	 $	 84,483,112.00 Locally Assessed RR & Utility (Real)		 -		 Locally Assessed RR & Utility (Pers)		 -		 State Assessed RR & Utility (Real)	 $	 10,325,359.00	 $	 9,841,892.00 State Assessed RR & Utility (Pers)	 $	 1,187,174.00	 $	 1,184,681.00 Totals	 $ 	 372,177,071.00 	 $	 376,613,385.00 	 Amount of Property	 Proposed Tax 	 Tax Revenues	 Rates for District Funds (tax proceeds)	 Budgeted for 2024	 2024 per $100 General Revenue		 4,944,557.13		 1.3129 Dispatching		 130,684.84		 0.0347 Pension		 293,758.44		 0.0780 Totals:		 5,369,000.41		 1.4256
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The  NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Jefferson County, Missouri, County Council will hold a public hearing regarding proposed amendments to the existing Chapter 505 Code of Ordinances for Jefferson County, Missouri, controlling erosion and sedimentation control / stormwater management in the unincorporated territory of Jefferson County, Missouri. The public hearing will be held on: Monday, September 23rd, 2024, 6:30 p.m. Citizens of Jefferson County are urged to attend this public hearing, held in the Assembly Room in the Jefferson County Administration Center, 729 Maple Street, Hillsboro, Missouri, and will be asked to submit comments or input, in writing to the County Council. The proposed changes to the Jefferson County Chapter 505 Code of Ordinances may be viewed on the Jefferson County, Missouri website: https://www. If you are unable to attend the public hearing but would like to submit comments or input, they must be received no later than September 13, 2024 by 5:00 PM via email to or US mail, to: County Council of Jefferson County, Missouri, Attention: Cherylynn Boyer - Stormwater Code Comments, P.O. Box 100, Hillsboro, MO 63050
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING There  NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING There will be a public hearing before the City of Crystal City, Missouri, at City Hall, 130 Mississippi Ave., Crystal City, Missouri on Monday, September 23, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at which time citizens may be heard on the property tax rate proposed to be set by the City of Crystal City, Missouri for the 2024 tax year. The following information is provided pursuant to RSMo 67.110. Assessed	 Tax Year	 Valuation	 2023	 Real Estate	 $	 69,959,800	 Personal 	 $	 21,896,580	 Railroads & Utilities	 $	 0	 (Locally Assessed) Railroads & Utilities	 $	 3,342,056	 (State Assessed) TOTAL VALUATIONS	 $	 95,198,436	 Amount of property tax revenues budgeted for 2024: Proposed Revenue	 By Fund	 Proposed	 Revenue	 General Fund	 Parks & Recreation 	 Public Library 	 $	 $	 $	 	 $	726,950	 Tax Year 2024 $	 70,650,600 $	 23,280,415 $	 0 $	 3,345,587 $	97,276,602 $	 726,950 Proposed Tax Rate per $100 475,780	 $	 125,585		 125,585		 .4891 .1291 .1291 $	 .7473 Proposed Tax rate may be the same rate as established in the prior year 2023 and may be subject to change upon receipt of final assessed valuation from the County Clerk. By Order of the Council Shelly Andrews, City Clerk Crystal City, Missouri
NOTICE OF TAX RATE HEARING  NOTICE OF TAX RATE HEARING A public hearing will be held at 6:30 p.m., September 26, 2024, at the Hillsboro Learning Center located at 10486 Business 21, Hillsboro, MO 63050. At this time, citizens may be heard concerning the proposed property tax rates for the Hillsboro R-III School District, a political subdivision. The tax rates are set to produce the revenues, which the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, shows to be required from the property tax. Each tax rate is determined by dividing the amount of revenue needed by the current assessed valuation. The result is multiplied by 100 so the tax rate will be expressed in cents per $100 valuation. Assessed Valuation	 Current	 Prior Tax (by categories)	 Tax Year 2024	 Year 2023 Real Estate				 Residential	 $	 258,664,400	 $	 253,966,000 Commercial		 20,719,500		 20,980,000 Agriculture		 2,643,000		 2,668,000 Locally Assessed RR&U		 157,726		 128,073 Personal				 Personal Property	 $	 89,554,102	 $	 92,837,096 Locally Assessed RR&U		 38,198		 11,709 Total	 $	 371,776,926	 $	370,590,878 The following Tax Rates are Proposed and may be revised prior to October 1, 2024 as additional information becomes available: 	 	 Fund	 Amount of Property	 Tax Revenues 	 Estimated	 Incidental	 $	11,534,379	 Debt Service		 1,243,594	 Capital Projects		 1,115,331	 	 $	13,893,304	 Proposed Tax Rates for 2024 per $100 $3.1025 .3345 .3000 $3.7370 New Revenue from New Construction and Improvements:	 New Revenue from Reassessment:	 Percentage of New Revenue from Reassessment:	 $71,185 $300 0.0024% Board of Education Hillsboro Reorganized School District R-III John Linhorst, President • Betsy Noack, Secretary
Notice to anyone who may  Notice to anyone who may have a claim for inheritance re: Virginia Trago (Trago Family Trust) deceased 5-17-2024. Please notify Sherry L Harris trustee at 6971 Indian Hill Rd., Honor, MI 49640 by Oct. 4, 2024 or be forever barred.
Public Hearing Notice City Of  Public Hearing Notice City Of Pevely The City of Pevely Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing on Tuesday October 8, 2024, at 5:45 p.m. at Pevely City Hall, 401 Main Street, Pevely, MO 63070. The property owners of 606 Banks Dr., Pevely, MO 63070 are requesting a setback variance. All interested parties are welcome to attend.
Public Hearing Notice City Of  Public Hearing Notice City Of Pevely The City of Pevely Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday October 8, 2024, at 5:45 pm at Pevely City Hall, 401 Main Street, Pevely, MO 63070. The property owners of 8920 Commercial Blvd., Pevely, MO 63070 are requesting to rezone the property to I-2. All interested parties are welcome to attend.
Public Hearing Notice City Of  Public Hearing Notice City Of Pevely The City of Pevely Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at 6:15 pm at Pevely City Hall, 401 Main Street, Pevely, MO. 63070. The property owners of 1225 Reisling Ln., Pevely, MO are requesting a boundary adjustment for the property. All interested parties are welcome to attend.
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF HEARING  PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF HEARING ON TAX RATE FOR 2024 FOR THE CITY OF HERCULANEUM, MISSOURI OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, MISSOURI THE CITY OF HERCULANEUM will conduct a public hearing on Monday, September 16, 2024 at 6:45 p.m. at Herculaneum City Hall, #1 Parkwood Court, Herculaneum, Missouri for the purpose of affording the citizens an opportunity to be heard with regard to the tax rate for 2024. The following information with regard to the said rate is also provided: ASSESSED VALUATION OF CITY OF HERCULANEUM 	 2023	 2024 Real Estate Property	 $	83,210,900	 $	88,288,400 Personal Property	 $	20,750,170	 $	22,208,211 Railroad & Utility	 $	 3,780,638	 $	 3,936,935 TIF Increment		 - 69,000		 - 69,000 TOTAL	 $	107,672,708	 $	114,364,546 The proposed tax rate for the general fund is 0.6482* cents per one hundred dollars ($100.00) assessed valuation. Laurie Ferretti City Clerk *Subject to change on final estimate from County Clerks Office and final determination of tax rate ceiling.
PUBLIC NOTICE FESTUS R-VI SCHOOL  PUBLIC NOTICE FESTUS R-VI SCHOOL DISTRICT Ad Valorem Tax Rate Hearing A public hearing will be held at 7:00 p.m. Thursday, September 19th, 2024 at the Roy D. Burnside Administration Building located at 1515 Mid-Meadow Lane, Festus, Missouri 63028. At this time, citizens may be heard concerning the proposed property tax rates for the Festus Reorganized School District R-VI of Jefferson County Missouri. The regular monthly Board meeting will immediately follow the hearing. The tax rates are set to produce the revenues which the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024 shows to be required from the property tax. Each tax is determined by dividing the amount of revenue needed by the current assessed valuation. The result is multiplied by 100 so the tax rate will be expressed in cents per $100. Assessed	 Valuation (AV)	 by Categories	 REAL ESTATE 	Residential		 	Agricultural & Horticultural	 	 Commercial Industry	 	Locally Assessed R.R. & U.	 3rd Prior	 2nd Prior	 Prior	 Current Tax Year	 Tax Year	 Tax Year	 Tax Year 2021	2022	2023	2024 $	 190,127,000	$	 197,169,400	$	 211,430,100	$	 218,147,600 $	 298,200	$	 307,800	$	 454,700	$	 456,500 $	70,863,400	 $	71,391,900	 $	73,273,800	 $	73,704,300 $	 395,850	$	 724,481	$	 576,803	$	 457,800 PERSONAL 	 Personal Property	 	Locally Assessed R.R. & U.	 $	64,170,500	 $	71,455,030	 $	83,101,239	 $	80,678,361 $	 118,085	$	 255,746	$	 69,807	$	 101,409 TOTAL AV			 $	325,973,035	 $	341,304,357	 $	368,906,449	 $	373,545,970 The following tax rates are proposed: Fund:	 	 General (Incidental)	 Special (Teachers)	 Capital Project (Building)	 Debt Service	 Total	 $	 3.0184 $	 0.0000 $	 1.1000 $	 0.0000 $	4.1184 Note to Taxpayer: The final levy is subject to revised figures from state and county sources, Board review and Board approval. New revenue due to new construction and improvements is $198,939. Revenues in the Festus R-VI Budget are rounded to the nearest dollar and reflect anticipated tax revenue as current and delinquent tax payments less the cost of collection. A copy of the 2024-2025 budget is available for inspection at the Roy D. Burnside Administration Building. Tax rates to be reviewed and done by the Board of Education of the Festus R-VI School District the 19th day of September, 2024. Tax rate hearing scheduled by the Board of Education on September 19th, 2024.
PUBLIC NOTICE FROM THE FOLLOWING  PUBLIC NOTICE FROM THE FOLLOWING SCHOOL DISTRICTS: Hillsboro R-3, Grandview R-2, Sunrise R-9, DeSoto #73, Northwest R-1, Jefferson R-7, Festus R-6, Crystal City 47, Windsor C-1, Dunklin R-5, and Fox C-6 All responsible public agencies are required to locate, evaluate, and identify children with disabilities who are under the jurisdiction of the agency, regardless of the severity of the disability, including children attending private schools, highly mobile children, such as migrant and homeless children, and children who are suspected of having a disability and in need of special education even though they are advancing from grade to grade. The agencies assure that they will provide a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) to all eligible children with disabilities between the ages of 3 and 21 under their jurisdiction. Disabilities include autism, deaf/blindness, emotional disorders, hearing impairment and deafness, intellectual disabilities, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairments, specific learning disabilities, speech or language impairment, traumatic brain injury, visual impairment/blindness and young child with a developmental delay. The agencies assure that it will provide information and referral services necessary to assist the State in the implementation of early intervention services for infants and toddlers eligible for the Missouri First Steps program. The agencies assure that personally identifiable information collected, used, or maintained by the agency for the purposes of identification, evaluation, placement or provision of FAPE of children with disabilities may be inspected and/or reviewed by their parents/guardians. Parents/guardians may request amendment to the educational record if the parent/guardian believes the record is inaccurate, misleading, or violates the privacy or other rights of their child. Parents have the right to file complaints with the U.S. Department of Education or the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education concerning alleged failures by the district to meet the requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The agencies have developed a Local Compliance Plan for the implementation of State Regulations for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This plan contains the agency’s policies and procedures regarding storage, disclosure to third parties, retention and destruction of personally identifiable information and the agency’s assurances that services are provided in compliance with the General Education Provision Act (GEPA). This plan may be reviewed at each agency’s Administrative Office, from 9:00 am-3:00 pm, Monday through Friday, when school is in session. This notice will be provided in native languages as appropriate.
TAX RATE HEARING NOTICE FOX-WINDSOR  TAX RATE HEARING NOTICE FOX-WINDSOR SUBDISTRICT AND NORTHWEST SUBDISTRICT JEFFERSON COUNTY LIBRARY DISTRICT STATE OF MISSOURI 	 The Jefferson County Library District Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing at 4:00 p.m. on the 18th day of September, 2024, at the Arnold Branch, 1701 Missouri State Rd., Arnold, MO in accordance with Chapter 67.110, Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended, upon the proposed rates of tax to be levied within the Fox-Windsor Subdistrict and Northwest Subdistrict for 2024. Assessed Valuation of Property by Category: 		 		 Real (residential)	 Real (agricultural)	 Real (commercial)	 Personal Property	 Local railroad and utility (commercial)	 Local railroad and utility (personal)	 State railroad and utility (commercial)	 State railroad and utility (personal)	 FOX-WINDSOR Subdistrict	 2023	 2024	 $	 1,020,727,000	 $	 1,042,650,500	 $	 2,204,200	 $	 1,315,700	 $	 187,454,100	 $	 192,398,300	 $	 378,653,056	 $	 367,582,000	 $	 836,603	 $	 4,047,030	 $	 329,868	 $	 4,082,605	 $	 49,628,802	 $	 47,583,775	 $	 6,973,639	 $	 6,930,891	 NORTHWEST Subdistrict 2023	 2024 $	 458,005,800	 $	 467,816,600 $	 2,492,300	 $	 2,497,300 $	 109,227,200	 $	 110,024,500 $	 196,954,833	 $	 188,289,250 $	 4,598,160	 $	 4,827,454 $	 2,868,435	 $	 3,870,597 $	 39,732,593	 $	 37,777,955 $	 4,812,174	 $	 4,753,594 	 Total	 $	1,646,807,268	 $	1,666,590,801	 $	818,691,495	 $	819,857,250 {included current year new construction and improvements}			 $	 19,497,740			 $	 7,058,207 {TIF 2023 figure of $21,857,300 included in the Fox-Windsor Subdistrict 2023 total above; breakout = Base Value = $5,949,200; Abated Value = $15,908,100. TIF 2024 figure of $22,132,000 included in the Fox-Windsor Subdistrict 2024 total above; breakout = Base Value = $5,949,200; Abated Value = $16,182,800.} The amount of revenue required to be provided from the property tax as set forth in the annual Fox-Windsor budget, adopted as provided by Chapter 67, R.S. MO, for the year 2024 is $4,339,802. The amount of revenue required to be provided from the property tax as set forth in the annual Northwest budget, adopted as provided by Chapter 67, R.S. MO, for the year 2024 is $2,182,460. The tax rate proposed to be set for the various purposes of taxation within the Fox-Windsor Subdistrict is $.2604 on each $100. assessed valuation. If proposed tax rate is adopted, the increase in tax revenue as a result of reassessment is 0.0174% or $746. The increase in tax revenue due to an increase in assessed value resulting from new construction and improvements is projected at $50,772. The tax rate proposed to be set for the various purposes of taxation within the Northwest Subdistrict is $.2662 on each $100. assessed valuation. The increase in tax revenue due to an increase in assessed value resulting from new construction and improvements is projected at $18,789. Final levy is subject to revised figures from state and county sources. Following public hearing, the Jefferson County Library District Board of Trustees will fix the rates of tax within the Fox-Windsor Subdistrict and the Northwest Subdistrict.
TAX RATE HEARING NOTICE FOX-WINDSOR  TAX RATE HEARING NOTICE FOX-WINDSOR SUBDISTRICT AND NORTHWEST SUBDISTRICT JEFFERSON COUNTY LIBRARY DISTRICT STATE OF MISSOURI 	 The Jefferson County Library District Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing at 4:00 p.m. on the 18th day of September, 2024, at the Arnold City Hall, 2101 Jeffco Blvd, Arnold, MO in accordance with Chapter 67.110, Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended, upon the proposed rates of tax to be levied within the Fox-Windsor Subdistrict and Northwest Subdistrict for 2024. Assessed Valuation of Property by Category: 		 		 Real (residential)	 Real (agricultural)	 Real (commercial)	 Personal Property	 Local railroad and utility (commercial)	 Local railroad and utility (personal)	 State railroad and utility (commercial)	 State railroad and utility (personal)	 FOX-WINDSOR Subdistrict	 2023	 2024	 $	 1,020,727,000	 $	 1,042,650,500	 $	 2,204,200	 $	 1,315,700	 $	 187,454,100	 $	 192,398,300	 $	 378,653,056	 $	 367,582,000	 $	 836,603	 $	 4,047,030	 $	 329,868	 $	 4,082,605	 $	 49,628,802	 $	 47,583,775	 $	 6,973,639	 $	 6,930,891	 NORTHWEST Subdistrict 2023	 2024 $	 458,005,800	 $	 467,816,600 $	 2,492,300	 $	 2,497,300 $	 109,227,200	 $	 110,024,500 $	 196,954,833	 $	 188,289,250 $	 4,598,160	 $	 4,827,454 $	 2,868,435	 $	 3,870,597 $	 39,732,593	 $	 37,777,955 $	 4,812,174	 $	 4,753,594 	 Total	 $	1,646,807,268	 $	1,666,590,801	 $	818,691,495	 $	819,857,250 {included current year new construction and improvements}			 $	 19,497,740			 $	 7,058,207 {TIF 2023 figure of $21,857,300 included in the Fox-Windsor Subdistrict 2023 total above; breakout = Base Value = $5,949,200; Abated Value = $15,908,100. TIF 2024 figure of $22,132,000 included in the Fox-Windsor Subdistrict 2024 total above; breakout = Base Value = $5,949,200; Abated Value = $16,182,800.} The amount of revenue required to be provided from the property tax as set forth in the annual Fox-Windsor budget, adopted as provided by Chapter 67, R.S. MO, for the year 2024 is $4,339,802. The amount of revenue required to be provided from the property tax as set forth in the annual Northwest budget, adopted as provided by Chapter 67, R.S. MO, for the year 2024 is $2,182,460. The tax rate proposed to be set for the various purposes of taxation within the Fox-Windsor Subdistrict is $.2604 on each $100. assessed valuation. If proposed tax rate is adopted, the increase in tax revenue as a result of reassessment is 0.0174% or $746. The increase in tax revenue due to an increase in assessed value resulting from new construction and improvements is projected at $50,772. The tax rate proposed to be set for the various purposes of taxation within the Northwest Subdistrict is $.2662 on each $100. assessed valuation. The increase in tax revenue due to an increase in assessed value resulting from new construction and improvements is projected at $18,789. Final levy is subject to revised figures from state and county sources. Following public hearing, the Jefferson County Library District Board of Trustees will fix the rates of tax within the Fox-Windsor Subdistrict and the Northwest Subdistrict.
TO SATISFY OPERATORS LIEN, items  TO SATISFY OPERATORS LIEN, items will be sold to highest bidder at: Storage For Rent 11349 Pounds Rd., Festus, MO on or after Saturday, 9-28-24 at 9:00 a.m. (Sale subject to tenant satisfying lien) G-23	 J. Shelsky O-14	 S. Cox R-4	 W. Bryant
TO SATISFY OPERATORS LIEN, items  TO SATISFY OPERATORS LIEN, items will be sold to highest bidder at: StorageQ 1241 American Legion Drive, Festus, MO and/or on or after 10am Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. (Sale subject to tenant satisfying lien) Unit 1120 - E. Grant Unit 1122 - R. Kite Unit 4125 - K. Hamilton Units 1105 & 1107 - R. Brotherton

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